Bake Sale Items
Examples of Non-Potentially Hazardous Foods which MAY be Prepared at Home and Sold only at a Farmers Market:
Bread & Buns
Butter Tarts
Cakes e.g. - carrot cake, etc. with sugar icing (no whipping cream, synthetic cream or whipped topping products)
Cereal Products
Cinnamon Buns
Dried and Freeze Dried Fruit &
Vegetables -
Dry Rice
Flaked Pastry with Fruit Filings
Fresh Fruit & Vegetables (whole, uncut)
Fruit Rollups
Fruit-filled Pies and Fruit-filled Tarts
Hard Candy
Hot Cross Buns
Jam & Jelly (pH 4.6 or less or Aw of 0.85 or less)
Matrimonial Cake
Noodles (Dry Only) |
Peanut Brittle
Pickles (vegetable and fruit in vinegar based brines, with a finished pH of 4.6 or lower)
Preserves (fruit soaked with sugar)
Pumpkin Seeds
Relish - with a pH of 4.6 or lower (vinegar-based)
Rice Crispie Cake
Sunflower Seeds
Wine Vinegar
Pubic heath inspectaly hazardous food products approved by the
Examples of Potentially Hazardous Foods:
Foes oding ta meet old conform al it pis bre reguld at an approved
Cabbage Rolls
Canned foods with pH above 4.6
Chocolate (unless used as an ingredient that has undergone a cooking process above 71°C (160°
F) e.g. fudge, chocolate chip cookies etc.)
Cole Slaw
Cream-filled or custard filled pastries
Dairy Products (cheese, yogurt, ice cream, milk, etc.)
Fish and Shellfish
Fruit Juice
Garlic Spreads
Homemade Soups
Meat or Meat Products
Pickled Eggs
Pies with Meringue (egg product)
Pumpkin Pie
Sundried Tomatoes in Oil
Unpasteurized Apple Cider
Whipped Butter
Whipped Icings (with water activity at or above 0.85 or pH above 4.6)
Any other "potentially hazardous food" item.
Foods are on this list because they are commonly implicated in food poisoning illness outbreaks. They require special care and handling during preparation. Approved food handling establishments have the equipment and facilities to produce these foods in a safe manner.
If a food product is not on this list, it does not mean that it cannot be sold at a Farmers' Market, just that it must be prepared in an approved Food Handling Establishment. Your local church hall, community center, or leaion mav be nlaces to make inquiries They mav already have the

2025 Curling

2024 Golf

1st Place
Steven Baker, McKay Lowry,
Odin Pauls missing Kevin Pauls

3rd Place
Robin Wiebe, Dee Douglas, Ian Sylvester, PatTemmerman
2nd Place
John Dell, Wayne Duncan, Jim Smail and Jan Smail

Ed Maddock's 99th Birthday

MAY 2024

Congratulations to Branch # 11 tied for 2nd at Dominion Team Cribbage Championship in Shediac, NB Val and Rob Wiebe, George Fieber and Joey Ginther

2024 Legion Bonspiel

A Side Winners
Keith Norrie, Kevin Storey, Sonya Driedger and Chris Driedger

C Side Winners
Jenny Hartry, Andrea Rheault, Jesse Mutcheson and Joey Mutcheson

B Side Winners
Shannon Maloney, Evan Gillis, Jeremy Gillis and Eryn Zelcer

D Side Winners
Kendra Madill, Cassandra Morrow, Jessie Madill and Sara Madill

Cribbage 2024

Membership pins handed out on January 1, 2024
presentations by Marina Brown

At our December General meeting, students from local area schools were presented with certificates for their entries in the Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Day Poster and Literary Contest. Presenting the students with their certificates is Comrade Sharon Deveson, past Poppy Chairman RCL Branch #11 Congratulations to all!!

Legion Breakfast and Bale Sale pics

Golf 2023

Golf 2023 Branch # 11 Champions
Blake Hartry, Steven Baker, Joey Mutcheson and Ryan Wiebe